Sunday, March 9, 2008

What is folklore?

I am often asked to explain my interest in folklore and although I could write a book explaining how I became interested and what it actually means I will try and do the nigh impossible - explain in a few sentences. 

We all create folklore and carry it inside our heads. It is anonymous 'stuff' that we take on board and runs from childhood nursery rhymes to things we say as adults. It is also a mechanism that allows us to recall customs, habits and what we recognise as traditions. This may be a family recipe, an old saying learnt from mom or dad (who probably had it from theirs). Academics will point to the so called 'oral tradition', passing things on by word of mouth, as one of the key elements of folklore. Storytelling and the singing of old, usually anonymous, songs and ditties are other expressions of folklore. What we say and how - is affected by folklore. A good example of this is if I were to ask you how many days are in the month of May you would probably, automatically, start reciting the old rhyme "Thirty days has September..". The words we use are also defined by folklore - Sydneysiders say 'suitcase' and Melbournians say 'port' for the same object. We also create and pass on colloquial expressions - these are not taught in schools etc but enter our popular speech by choice: "He was so thick he had 'wide load' stamped on his forehead" or "He was flat out like a lizard drinking". 

In the 21st century (you're standing in it!) we tend to be so busy we usually overlook folklore - find it hard to recognise - although it is all around us and in a constant change mode. In many ways we have been conditioned to an artificial environment that would like to ignore 'rites of passage' and other valuable traditions. This was big corporations can implement their advertising and marketing programs. If we all think the same we will probably all buy the same - that's the theory. Folklore promotes individuality within a community and this is how we identify ourselves as unique.  Am I getting too heavy? I'm just ranting but it is a subject I intend to return to frequently. Maybe enough for today.

What I will be adding to my blog site is a continuing update on what has been added to my main website and that's definitely a never-ending story - just like the Magic Pudding yarn where the plum pudding generously offers slices of its delicious self and then replenishes as it moves along. A grand desert!


At May 26, 2009 at 11:52 PM , Blogger Rimeriter said...

I'm Back - - -

"Interesting stuff"

At October 17, 2009 at 11:32 PM , Blogger Rimeriter said...

I'm back again - - -

Tripped across your 'stuff' in my electronic file today.
i have taken more time to re-read and THINK some more about it.

Warren, if I may I would like to copy your folklore details as is and present it as a reading to my local writers group ?

Please respond to -


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